Angel Incarnate: Second Sight Read online

  Angel Incarnate:

  Second Sight

  Linda L. Creel

  ISBN – 10: 0989390187 Paperback

  ISBN – 13: 978-0-9893901-8-7 Paperback

  Copyright © 2014 Linda L. Creel

  To my husband, Ron, and my sisters – Rita, Bren and Ruth who suffered through all the rewrites, and lastly to my sister, Chris, whose red pen was always ready.

  "Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting. And cometh from afar." William Wordsworth

  Chapter 1

  Not again.

  Ever since she was reincarnated five years ago as a half-mortal – the angels called them angel-bloods -- Bren was still trying to get used to the constant interruptions in her sleep.

  Most of the time, the visions flashed before her eyes, and then disappeared, but three nights ago, something strange began to happen.

  With a firm grip on the bed sheets, Bren readied herself as her body was propelled through a luminous void, until she found herself in Heaven.

  Bren was no longer a spectator watching her own death; she was reliving it -- once again thrust into the battle as she used her body to protect a younger angel from Lucifer’s son, Mortriel.

  She felt each blow from her attacker’s blade as he ripped through her feathers, and tore into her flesh, until she was finally still.

  Then, the vision stopped, and she drifted back to her bed.

  Slowly inching her fingers around her body, Bren expected to be covered in blood, but when she pulled her hands away, they were dry.

  Thinking she would roll over and go back to sleep, another disturbing image popped into her head.

  Lucifer was walking leisurely through the park outside her Aeden home.

  Staring at the ceiling, she thought, if he can penetrate the protective barriers, will Mortriel follow?

  That question was answered when she witnessed Lucifer’s son killing other angel-bloods, and taking their daughters to what looked like an island.

  Bren felt her pulse quicken as she fantasized about the possibility of facing him again. He had not only taken her life, but killed most of her angel friends. Defenseless against his attacks, their golden blood spilled onto the streets. She vowed to one day avenge them...all of them.

  Unsure why this vision manifested itself now, Bren was certain of one thing – trouble was coming, and she was going to be smack in the middle of it, just like before.

  There was only one person, who could explain why Lucifer would risk coming to Aeden, and his son would go on a killing spree, and Bren knew she’d have to travel to Heaven to speak with her.

  Not waiting for permission -- which would undoubtedly have been denied -- Bren rolled over and stared at the digital clock on the nightstand which flashed 2:13 a.m.

  Slipping from under the covers, she was careful not to disturb the best friend lying beside her, or the teenage sister sleeping in the next bed.

  With just enough moonlight to cast a shadow on one of the far walls, Bren tiptoed out of the room, closing the door soundlessly before heading to the winding staircase.

  Making her way down the steps, she crept silently into the backyard.

  Being in a thin white cotton nightgown with bare feet didn’t bother the young guardian. Angel-bloods weren’t as affected by temperature like their mortal neighbors. Winter was a few weeks away, and the night air was chilly, but not frigid.

  Walking to the center of the spacious yard, she spread her snowy white wings. The tip of each feather was painted bright yellow, her favorite color.

  Taking in a deep breath, Bren ran as fast as she could until she was airborne.

  Flying always helped clear her mind, and she wanted to blot out the disturbing images she just saw.

  Even though she was warned by her parents never to leave Aeden alone, Bren was willing to suffer any consequences. She needed to speak to the seer, and there was only one way to reach her.

  Landing outside Heaven’s gates, Bren wasn’t prepared to be stopped by two brawny centurions who crossed their golden staffs, blocking the entrance.

  Placing her hands on her hips in a defensive stance, she glared at the guards.

  “Are you kidding me? I was alive before either of you were born. Don’t you know who I am?”

  One of the sentries bent down to meet her eyes.

  “We have strict orders. No one is to enter without permission. Were you summoned?”

  “Well no, but I need to speak to the seer. It’s a matter of life and death.”

  Before he could respond, Esra approached the gate. Both of the defenders stepped aside to allow the angel to pass.

  If Bren didn’t know better, she would swear she was staring at her older sister, Aura.

  Both women shared the same long golden blonde hair, and violet eyes, but Esra walked with authority, whereas Aura, would have tried to blend in, so she wouldn’t be noticed.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” Esra said, as she waved her hand, and a cushioned bench appeared out of nowhere. She motioned for Bren to take a seat.

  Even though she could pass for a five-year-old kindergartner, because Bren was once a guardian angel, her intelligence and abilities were far superior to others ten times her age or size. She was brave beyond belief, which was one of the traits Esra admired most about the young angel-blood.

  “Why wouldn’t those stupid guards let me in?” Bren asked as she climbed on the bench. “Haven’t they heard about me?”

  “I’m afraid this is as far as you are allowed,” Esra said apologetically. “Do not be cross with the sentries. They are simply doing their job. Now, why don’t you tell me why you’re here?”

  “I had a new vision. Lucifer is coming to Aeden,” Bren said matter-of-factly.

  “You’re worried that he will find out about Aura?”

  “I’m not afraid for Aura. I’ll do my job to protect her. If Lucifer can avoid the protective barriers, Mortriel may be able to get through the wards too.”

  “I doubt Lucifer’s son would risk his life knowing your father still has a score to settle with him.”

  The scene of Mortriel taking the children to the island flashed across Bren’s mind.

  “My father isn’t the only one,” she muttered.

  “When is Aura’s memory going to return? She’s almost seventeen, and why doesn’t Tracy know who she is? I didn’t have second sight when I lived in the past, but now I do. This is pretty confusing.”

  Esra threw her head back and laughed.

  “So many questions; your memories should have been erased too, but you were always such a strong-willed child.”

  They both stopped to watch another angel pass through the gates.

  “Something happened when Eve gave birth to you,” Esra said.

  “Apparently, because of you are Aura’s sister, you have inherited my gift of second sight. I doubt any of us considered that possibility when the decision was made to bring you back. You were chosen because of your age and size. Lucifer will underestimate your powers, and that will prove to be a costly mistake.”

  “I just want my friends back,” Bren sighed. “Will Tracy ever be Tercia again?”

  Esra reached into the pocket of her white gown and brought out a necklace. The jewel was made from a blue diamond, the gem of Heaven, but inside the center stone was a violet eye.

  She opened Bren’s hand and slipped the token inside of it. “This should help.”

  “What’s this?”

  “You want Tercia back?”

  Bren nodded.

  “If she wears this pendant, Tracy will be able to see all that you do, but I must caution you. Do not give her the s
tone until just before the two of you leave on your journey.”

  “We’re going on a mission?”

  “Yes, and Tracy will need to communicate with you if the task is to be successful. Do not speak of this to anyone else. I doubt my brothers and sisters would approve.”

  “Does this have anything to do with Mortriel? I’ve seen him in a vision. Do you know where he’s taken the children?”

  “You won’t be meeting Mortriel yet. As to the children, you will have your answer shortly after Lucifer arrives in Aeden this evening. It may be wise to have Aura away when he comes.”

  “We’ve got that handled. Some of the girls are going shopping in New York, and Mom has asked Aura to keep an eye on them.”

  “Your mother knows the importance of keeping Aura hidden as long as possible. Eventually, Lucifer will discover she is alive, but the longer we can keep him from her, the better chance we have of allowing her memories and powers to resurface.”

  Bren’s head drooped. “I guess it’s impossible for you to tell me about Irizah?”

  Esra slid across the bench and lifted Bren’s chin. “I know how attached you and Tracy were with her. What do your visions show you?”

  “They don’t show me anything, but I can feel her. I think she may have been brought back too. I just don’t know where she is.”

  “I am forbidden from disclosing the path Irizah has taken. Perhaps you will find those answers soon.”

  Bren slapped her knee.

  “So, she is alive. I knew it. What about Alannah? Can I speak to her?”

  “Alannah knows you and Tracy sacrificed your lives for her, but Aura doesn’t remember her daughter, so for now, your friend will remain in Heaven. If all goes well, you will see her in a few weeks.”

  “Why would you send Alannah to Aeden, especially if Lucifer is hanging around?

  “She will be safe, and her presence may help to trigger Aura’s memory. I know how difficult it has been, but you must never lose faith. Now, I must return.”

  Esra pulled Bren into a tight embrace, and then hurried towards the gates when she paused.

  “Remember; do not give the pendant to Tracy until you leave on your journey. Godspeed, Child, and don’t let your anger consume you. The hope of Heaven rests on the shoulders of you and your friends.”

  Bren could have sworn the seer was crying.

  All of the angels lost someone they cared about, but Esra had known about the battle ahead of time, and was forbidden to warn the others. She was still feeling guilty because of all the young lives that were lost.

  Before she left, Bren walked over to the guards.

  “I’ll be back, and next time, you will let me in.”

  She gave them a half-hearted smile, extended her wings, and flew back to Aeden before they could respond.

  The clock on the kitchen wall showed 6:10a.m. Since everyone else was still asleep, Bren hurried up the stairs and slipped back under the covers.

  As she closed her eyes and snuggled next to Tracy, she smiled. Soon, she would truly have her best friend back.

  It wouldn’t be easy for Tracy to revisit the past, but at least Bren would be with her, and they would become powerful guardians who worked in sync, just like before.

  The only one missing would be Irizah, but Esra had hinted she may be alive too. Finding her would be another journey Bren would make -- with, or without permission.

  Chapter 2

  Lucifer hadn’t left Hell in years, but he needed to find out if the rumors about Avriel were true.

  He disliked the mortals, but despised the angel-blood descendants of the archangels. In his eyes, they were no better than the sons and daughters he fathered with human women.

  Why should these half-breeds have the blessings of Heaven, while his own Nephylim children were sought out and destroyed?

  Was the Creator worried his offspring would one day overpower the messengers of Heaven, or was he still punishing the fallen angel for his past deeds?

  It didn’t matter -- soon, he would take control of the mortal children of earth, and if the angel-bloods did not conform to his ways – they would die an agonizing death. First, he would send a message to those he once called brother and sister.

  Lucifer had human spies everywhere, offering tidbits of information which helped him track the activities of the sons of the archangels, known as the Guild, and their families. In exchange for their loyalty, they enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle.

  Recently, one of his informants told him about a teenage girl with lavender eyes who was a member of the new church she and her husband had joined.

  At first, Lucifer didn’t believe Avriel had been reincarnated, so he decided to find out for himself if the information was accurate. Going to the home of the Guild in Aeden would either confirm, or deny the report.

  Not wanting to look out of place, the fallen angel wore a pair of light colored blue jeans and a black pullover shirt. His long, curly, chestnut hair was pulled back into a ponytail and secured with a leather band.

  It wasn’t quite dusk when he arrived.

  Despite being the middle of October, there was a gentle breeze in the air, and the temperature was still mild. He stopped to sit on a stone bench at the entrance to the park, and waited – hoping to see the girl.

  The first thing he noticed was the tall oak tree. The gold and rust colored leaves were a sure sign winter would be fast approaching.

  Planted by Esra -- the great seer and mother of the first angel-blood -- the names of all the children who shared lineage with the archangels were neatly carved into the branches.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a shrill, down-slurred, hissing scream.

  As he looked up, nestled on one of the top branches, a red-tailed hawk was staring intently on the fallen angel. Lucifer found himself drawn to its familiar, deep, violet eyes.

  He couldn’t help chuckling.

  She must be here. Why else would Heaven send one of their special guardians to keep watch?

  Settling back against the bench with an exaggerated casualness, Lucifer crossed his legs as he took in his surroundings.

  So, this is the valley the angel-bloods call Aeden?

  One hundred acres of fallow farmland and green pastures; the land was located in northern Maryland near the Pennsylvania border. A twelve foot wrought-iron gate entangled with a thicket of overgrown brush guarded the hidden entrance, and a dozen, luxurious multi-level brick homes lined each side of the macadam street.

  The Guild had chosen well; even though their valley was near an area well-populated with humans; their half-mortal children could keep their Heavenly heritage a secret here.

  Lucifer knew the angels kept protective wards around the property, but their shields couldn’t keep him away -- nothing could -- he went where he pleased.

  Hearing a door slam, Lucifer uncrossed his legs and straightened his posture.

  He watched as two young girls descended down the sidewalk making their way to the park.

  Tracy’s long blonde hair was worn in soft graceful curls; Bren’s tresses were straight and dark, like her mother, Eve’s. Both girls inherited the same, vibrant, turquoise eyes as their mothers.

  Lucifer leaned forward to take a closer look. There was a hint of amusement in his indigo eyes.

  They look like Bree and Tercia. Is it possible they have returned from the Garden of Death too?

  The girls had only taken a few steps, when the clap of thunder and flash of lightning halted their procession. Approaching from the park were two archangels, the sacred swords of Heaven grasped firmly in their hands.

  Like most of their brothers, Gabriel and Michael shared pale blonde hair and radiant blue eyes. Looking regal in their long, gold-trimmed white robes; it was quite a contrast to the fallen angel’s casual attire.

  Lucifer’s eyes followed the falcon as it flew out of the tree, landing on Bren’s shoulder. Aware of how comfortable she seemed with the fowl; merely confirmed his suspicions -- Bree and Terci
a had indeed been reincarnated.

  “You were foolish to come here today,” Michael said.

  “Still playing the role of – what is it they call you now? Ah, yes – the Light of Heaven. I would have thought someone of your stature would have other duties to occupy your time these days. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  When Gabriel twirled his swords in the air, Bren and Tracy’s eyes widened. He may have been trying to impress the little ones, but Lucifer wasn’t the least bit threatened; he couldn’t resist laughing at the warrior.

  “That’s a little extreme, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Why are you here, Dark Wing?” Gabriel demanded.

  Lucifer chuckled. “Is that what your angel-bloods call me; it’s such a vile term?”

  “I asked you a question?”

  Very well, I’ll play your little game. “I don’t get out much these days and thought I would take an evening stroll.”

  The hawk made a deafening screech, but Bren stroked his head to calm him.

  “The little one seems familiar with our feathered friend, but then, Bree always did have an extraordinary bond with the special guardians. In fact, her friend looks coincidentally like Tercia.”

  Lucifer picked a piece of lint off his shirt and flicked it to the ground, before pointing to the girls.

  “Lovely young things, aren’t they? If I didn’t know better; I would swear they had come back from the Valley of Death. Of course, my son, Mortriel would disagree. He was certain he killed them during our little brawl. It is a conundrum. I’ve never known an angel to come back to life.”

  The words fell bitterly on Michael’s ears. Despite his efforts to keep the girls hidden, Lucifer had somehow found them, leading him to believe there was a traitor in their midst. The question was…who?

  Though he had no children, Gabriel regarded Bree and Tercia, two of the youngest angels killed in the rebellion, as his own daughters.

  Gabriel treated Lucifer’s presence as a threat to the girls, but vowed he would not lose his little ones a second time.

  As he started to move closer to the fallen angel, Michael grabbed his arm and pulled him back.